Sunday, January 02, 2011

Hagiography_101-Lesson1 Time for Politics

My definition of Hagiography is taking Flat Fact Brutal Truths of History and lying about it for the sake of some private benefit that is likely propagandized as for everyone's benefit. The most blatant of lies are usually the biggest, the most public, made by the most powerful, enforced mercilessly without mercy for ANY "innocents" because from "The Powers That Be" standpoint; "There are no innocents." Never has been. They fail Dune's Gom-Jabbar test for Human vs Animal.

This first video is 1.19.5 hour, minutes, seconds. It is only the beginning of your journey to regain your own Brutal Truth Flat Fact History without the propaganda, the lies are blatant to see in hindsight.

Until we get MeanStream Media and the Press Whores to "out" 911 and JFK's assassination as the "coup d'état" by the ruling Elite Exceptionalist Extremists ( E^3 ) we shall be stuck in a melding of Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World, if we are unlucky enough to be alive during the reign of subjugation to come.

Only Congress has the Constitutional Power to Create money. They unconstitutionally "privatized" that power and gave it to the Private Federal Reserve. They had no authority to do so. To 're-align' the reality for every $1 created in "Fractional Banking" $.10 is put into the US Dept of Treasury as "insurance" and Stake Holder Shares of the Society that uses that "money". In addition the Private FED MUST pay $.01 as a deductible "fee" for the privilege for being America's Bank of Choice. Until such happens ANY and ALL civil municipalities, villages, cities, counties, states and territories are to put any and all 'deficits' with 0% interests on their books and local affected banks cooperate with localities until such time as pending verification of the Federal Reserve US Debt by opening the Federal Reserve Books to ascertain the TRUE Flat Fact nature of 'debt' and Congressional Oversight remedies this Unconstitutional "Privatization" of our economy and the power to create sound money to foreign owners to start and capitalize on the blood and machinery of wars.

"We say in our platform that we believe that the right to coin money and issue money is a function of government.... Those who are opposed to this proposition tell us that the issue of paper money is a function of the bank and that the government ought to go out of the banking business. I stand with Jefferson ... and tell them, as he did, that the issue of money is a function of the government and that the banks should go out of the governing business." - William Jennings Bryan, Democratic Convention, 1896

If the Nation can issue a dollar bond it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money broker collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20 percent. Whereas the currency, the honest sort provided by the Constitution pays nobody but those who contribute in some useful way. It is absurd to say our Country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the People. - Thomas Edison 1920s

The time has come, the moment is in the NOW, heartbeat to heartbeat, my guitar strings weep and brutal truths I know my paths end and been tossed back unto the Earth when I wish to go home. The Earth must now stand united in opposing this senseless brutality of civil, tribal, religious, but most powerful of all, profitable enterprise mission called warfare. It's HEART has skipped a beat backward to that September Day in 2001 when the three dominoes fell as planned and the stock trading and financial wealth in a digitized monetary monarchy multiplied and morphed the media into a continued "tale" of masticating mindless mush for a "this atmosphere" society afraid to confront the brutal true science that racism might be genetic generally much less confront xenophobia where we might have been the Martians. So we muddle the masses with mindless media mush while the digitized monetary monarchies continue to try and control the future with merciless mass brute force to enforce some sense of "freedom" for organized subjugation. When a persons hours of life are necessitated to be enslaved at a labor not which is pleasant, nor is even safe for life or limb, then one is a slave. A part of systems within systems which keep the world afloat atop this "Consensus Reality" that it's VERY foundation is based on lies NOT the Bedrock that the 3 Dominoes were built Soundly and Sturdily upon by PROFESSIONAL Engineers Designed by Professional Architects and the backs of thousands upon thousands of proud Americans and most prominently and should NEVER forget the Native Americans who we still have yet to come to PEACE and SOVEREIGNTY with since we STOLE this land with the massive brute force we are now using in Afghanistan. For all the same reasons and monetary monarchies. That's because it has become more profitable to punish the population than to have a governance based on brutal truths. One thing about truths and facts, they remain true no matter how one tries to question the questioner.

You stand naked before the universe to bleed or heal.

Let's follow the SCIENCE and leave the bloodshed of the politics of what we've done come once we know the full extant of the American Government Conspiracy of JFK's “Magic Bullet” and the “Miracle Moon Feather - Hammer Drop” of WTC Bldg 7...NEVER fully explained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the US Government.

Buildings 3, 4, 5, 6 much more damaged than 7 yet bases intact Bldg 5 NEARLY intact by comparison to 1,2,3,4,6 !!!

Why is Building 7 mentioned only in ONE (1) repeat ONE (1) Footnote of this Commissioned Lie?

WTC7 in Free-fall--No Longer Controversial

WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video above. To date, many years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

Awkward questions about 9/11

The world has changed after September 11th. Its changed because were no longer safe.

These words were used by the George W. Bush, elected President of the United States in 2000, to dictate the political direction for the 21st Century.

Whereas Americans launch attacks relatively quickly, first on Afghanistan and later on Iraq, using falsified evidence, doubts about the official version of the events of September 11th grows. The speculations that surfaced on the internet directly after the attacks were considered to be just wild conspiracy theories until this now. Yet the circumstantial evidence and even the substantial evidence itself paints a clear picture. The responsibility for the terrible attacks seems to lie not with Islamic Terrorists but with several high-ranking members of the military and administration of the U.S. Government. This documentary focuses on the inconsistencies in the official version of the events as well as on the evidence which has been suppressed regarding September 11th. In addition, it answers the questions of why we still know nothing about it to this day and why we are being deceived also in European countries.

Open Radio Debate about 911...listen for free

Ever seen STEEL 'pancake' by FIRE alone ??? Other than 911 it has NEVER happened before WITHOUT 'controlled demolition' through use of PRECISELY spaced explosives and thermite cutters.

Three WTC Towers were completely demolished on 911. Why is our government telling us that these demolitions were caused by spontaneous collapse, primarily due to fire, after finding incontrovertible evidence of military high explosives?
Building What?

All the above buildings fell by Earthquake and did NOT explode the concrete.

Greetings Supporters,

We’ve had an incredible array of events in DC and New York. We will update you with photos and videos soon, but wanted to show you what we consider the candle on the cake right away. Here is the culmination of the AE911Truth effort to make New Yorkers very aware of Building 7. We’ve shown a third light beam into the dark New York sky at 9:11 pm to represent the still officially unexplained free fall destruction of WTC 7, which we consider to be the key to justice for the victims’ lives lost in the Twin Towers. Stand by for the October newsletter with much more details, photos, videos. Be sure to see the updated information from BuildingWhat? below as well.

The Afghan War Diaries Blog

911 Commission Report Book Burning After having to endure hearing about that goober preacher in Florida who wanted to burn the Koran for a week, Justin and I decided to burn a book truly worth burning, the September 11th Commission Report. A book so chock full of lies and propaganda, that it's long LONG overdue to be purged from this earth!

The 911 Commission Report TexasReview

Until EVERY single Press Conference asks what happened to WTC Bldg 7? Where are the Washington DC Metro Tapes of the Highway overlooking the Pentagon SEIZED within minutes of a missile hitting the office wall holding ALL the paper documents for Pentagon funding...for more than 50 years? ('seized" intentionally misspelled until the records are released or a wiki-leak of the Milititary on that day sees the light of day...certainly NOT coming from OUR 'leaders' or the Press Whores of MeanStream Media)

We have NO "Press Corps"...we have "Press Whores"

Until these questions are asked by even YOU folks...we, and you, will remain economic slaves of royalty rather than free thinking humans working toward OUR own common good.

Milititary Manipulated Media Industitrialized Imperial Intitelligence Corpwhorational Crapititalistic Control Complex.

M^3 I^3 C^4 aka “Mickey...They'll Eat Everything before you knew there was something. Then tell you there was nothing...move along.”

Corpwhorational Crapititalistic Control Complex the new C ^ 4

One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge -- even to ourselves -- that we've been so credulous: Carl Sagan

Reality must be truthful to be useful

If there's nothing to hide...why hide the information, objects or gag people or documents or loose emails violating Federal Law?

Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Don't make promises and policies you don't intend to keep and to keep the policies and promises you do make.

ACTIONS speak louder than words.
ACTIONS are PROOF of intent.
ACTIONS are the final judgment of character.

It REALLY is that simple.

Skype rhw19533

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Afghan War Diaries

The Afghan War Diaries

Sunday, July 26 5pm EST.
WikiLeaks today released over 75,000 reports covering the war in Afghanistan.

The Afghan War Diaries an extraordinary secret compendium of over 91,000 reports covering the war in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2010. The reports describe the majority of lethal military actions involving the United States military. They include the number of persons internally stated to be killed, wounded, or detained during each action, together with the precise geographical location of each event, and the military units involved and major weapon systems used.

The Afghan War Diaries is the most significant archive about the reality of war to have ever been released during the course of a war. The deaths of tens of thousands is normally only a statistic but this archive reveals locations and key events behind each of these individual deaths. We hope the impact will lead to a comprehensive understanding of the war in Afghanistan and modern warfare in general.

These reports have been primarily written by soldiers and intelligence officers listening to reports radioed in from front line deployments. However the reports also contain related information from Marines intelligence, US Embassies, and reports about corruption and development activity across Afghanistan.

Each report consists of the time and precise geographic location of an event that the US Army considers significant. It includes several additional standardized fields: The broad type of the event (combat, non-combat, propaganda, etc.); the category of the event as classified by US Forces, how many were detained, wounded, and killed from civilian, allied, host nation, and enemy forces; the name of the reporting unit and a number of other fields, the most significant of which is the summary - This is an English language description of the events that are covered in the report.

The Afghan War Diaries is available on the web and can be viewed in chronological order by over 100 categories, which were assigned by the US Forces such as: escalation of force, friendly fire, development meeting reports, etc. The reports can also be viewed by "severity", where severity is proportionate to the number of people killed, injured or detained. All the incidents have been placed onto a map of Afghanistan and can be viewed on Google Earth limited to a particular window of time and place. In this way, events of nearly the entire war may be seen.

The Afghan War Diaries show how cover-ups start on the ground. When reporting their own activities US Units are inclined to classify civilian kills as insurgent kills, downplay the number of people killed or otherwise make excuses for themselves. When they report on other US Military Units they are more likely to be truthful but still provide excuses. Conversely, when reporting on the actions of non-US ISAF forces they tend to be frank or critical and when reporting on the Taliban or other rebel groups, bad behavior is described in comprehensive detail. The behavior of the Afghan Army and Afghan authorities are also revealed.

These reports cover most units from the US Army with the exception of most US Special Forces activities. The reports do not generally cover top-secret operations or European and other ISAF Forces operations. However when a combined operation involving regular US Military occurs, say with US Special Forces, other ISAF Forces or the CIA occurs the details are often reported. For example a number of bloody operations carried out by Task Force 373, a previously secret US Special Forces assassination unit, are exposed in the Diary -- including a raid that lead to the death of seven children.

This archive shows the vast range of small tragedies that are almost never reported by the press but which account for the overwhelming majority of deaths and injuries resulting from the war.

We have delayed the release of some 15,000 reports from total archive as part of a harm minimization process demanded by our source. After further review, these reports will be released, with occasional redactions, and eventually, in full, as the security situation in Afghanistan permits.


image :

Administrative Note: The time has come, the moment is in the NOW, heartbeat to heartbeat, my guitar and brutal truths I know my paths end and been tossed back unto the Earth when I wish to go home.  The Earth must now stand united in opposing this senseless brutality of civil, tribal, religious, but most powerful of all, profitable enterprise mission called warfare.  It's HEART has skipped a beat backward to that September Day in 2001 when the three dominoes fell as planned and the stock trading and financial wealth in a digitized monetary monarchy multiplied and morphed the media into a continued "tale" of masticating mindless mush for a "this atmosphere" society afraid to confront the brutal true science that racism might be genetic generally much less confront xenophobia where we might have been the Martians.  So we muddle the masses with mindless media mush while the digitized monetary monarchies continue to try and control the future with merciless mass brute force to enforce some sense of "freedom" for organized subjugation.  When a persons hours of life are necessitated to be enslaved at a labor not which is pleasant, nor is even safe for life or limb, then one is a slave.  A part of systems within systems which keep the world afloat atop this "Consensus Reality" that it's VERY foundation is based on lies NOT the Bedrock that the 3 Dominoes were built Soundly and Sturdily upon by PROFESSIONAL Engineers Designed by Professional Architects and the backs of thousands upon thousands of proud Americans and most prominently and should NEVER forget the Native Americans who we still have yet to come to PEACE and SOVERIEGNTY with since we STOLE this land with the massive brute force we are now using in Afghanistan. For all the same reasons and monetary monarchies. That's because it has become more profitable to punish the population than to have a governance based on brutal truths. One thing about truths and facts, they remain true no matter how one tries to question the questioner.

You stand naked before the universe to bleed or heal.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Remains of 72 people found at World Trade Center site

Remains of 72 people found at World Trade Center site

New York City officials say a renewed search this year of debris in and around the World Trade Center site has recovered 72 human remains.

June 23, 2010

The sifting of more than 800 cubic yards (612 cubic meters) of debris recovered from ground zero and underneath roads around the lower Manhattan site began in April and ended Friday.

The greatest number of remains -- 37 -- were found from material underneath West Street, a highway on the west side of ground zero. The new debris was uncovered as construction work made new parts of the site accessible.

The city began a renewed search for human remains in 2006. More than 1,800 remains have been found.

Some have been matched to previously unidentified 9/11 victims.

The Empire functions beyond mere laws. An equally strong foundation is the network of alliances, favors, and religious propaganda. Beliefs are more powerful than facts. - Duke Paulus Atreides Dune

Greatness is a transitory experience. It is never consistent. It depends in part upon the myth-making imagination of humankind. The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in. He must reflect what is projected upon him. And he must have a strong sense of the sardonic. This is what uncouples him from belief in his own pretensions. The sardonic is all that permits him to move within himself. Without this quality, even occasional greatness will destroy a man. - from “Collected Saying of Maud'Dib” by the Princess Irulan

Faith and determination are a warrior's greatest weapons. But beliefs can be corrupted.. Beware that these weapons are not turned against you. - Swordmaster Istian Goss

One step at a time, dear one. Our League is held together only by the threat of a common enemy, not by a set of shared values or beliefs. Never attack the lifestyle of the nobles. Viceroy Manion Butler DUNE

"Winning" in Afghanistan is impossible. It is the "Graveyard of Empires".

And we entered this as a False Flag Operation of Imperialism.

The Runaway General Stanley McChrystal Runaway General Stanley McChrystal Military #Runaway #General #Stanley #McChrystal #military #hubris #false #flag #corrupted

The Military is supposed to SERVE the People...not using people for THEIR wars. The Military CLEARLY shows their DISDAIN for "public" authority.

911 MUST be "outed".

This is that "Republican Branding Platform Moment" of HONESTY breaking through... applies to our Military...the DEEP HEART n SOUL of 'our' Military.

If NO-ONE learns this lesson...then our future as a species outlook is indeed bleaker than the oil that is running through our views like a bad 'X-Files' of the 'oil' as it invades our bodies and changes our eyes and viewpoint on the universe.

When the First Responders, Miltary Heroes, Honest Humans willing to speak BRUTAL TRUTH to the "seed" of our current post 911 psyche come MUST NOT back away.

This cannot be allowed to happen if our republic is to remain free.

Even you MUST see the hypocrisy's of Bush/Obama in policy.

War continues and GitMo remains open.

Obama is Bush graduating from high school. From the Kindergarten classroom of Bush photo op to Obama behind Military in Gulf Coast Oil Disaster.

Same people, prostitutes, peddlers, pimps, props, policy, prattling, political pigeon poop.

"Crime, once exposed, has no refuge but in audacity." Cornelius Tacitus

"The first war crime committed in any war of aggression by the aggressors is against the truth" - Michael Parenti

Bill Moyers rare video 1987 the secret government 1-9 Bill Moyers Secret Government

Watch the entire nine segments...educate yourself about YOUR government.

As for "oversight" of such "Secret Government"...Dick Cheney n Co were, in essence, STILL 'in charge' of the Minerals Management people in an Obama government.

Tar Balls, slicks, dead zones and soon to enter the Atlantic and mess with the polar current when it reaches to cold water of the Arctic, where Walruses DO live.

CLEAN, NEW and Exotic Energies are about LIES on the Ground.

Make the final conclusion that there IS a valid "seed" of distrust of Greedy Government and Cannibal Capititalists among the people.

We all have this passion of wrongness the same "seed" but different flow patterns and ratios bringing insight across the synapses.

The more the Hubris is exposed the incredulous it becomes to believe what is 'Truth from Power'.

How can we speak "Truth to Power" as a people on a personal level having no directed output efficacy of that mass human energy?

HONEST Bureaucrats and HONORABLE Soldiers

Truth is often Brutal. It can shatter a world view based on lies.

But as pointed out, levies built of sand will be but crumbs for the maws of the next Suprecaines because of Gulf Water Temperature Rising.

It IS PAST TIME for a "Shortening of the Way" become "viral".

There is a certain hubris to science, a belief that the more we develop technology and the more we learn, the better our lives will be. Tlaloc, A Time for Titans DUNE

I care not for myself but for humanity as a species and leaving this planet to once more return to the stars where we once cavorted and lived.

We cannot get there on a reality based on the sands of lies to the people.

Political language. . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind: George Orwell

We create our own future by our own beliefs, which control our actions. A strong enough belief system, a sufficiently powerful conviction, can make anything happen. This is how we create our consensus reality, including our gods. - DUNE Reverend Mother Ramallo, Sayyadina of the Fremen

“Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don’t allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?” - Joseph Stalin

The capacity to learn is a gift;
The ability to learn is a skill;
The willingness to learn is a choice. - Rebec of Ginaz DUNE

Patriots Question 911


Why are veterans, active duty, and National Guard men and women opposed to the war in Iraq?

WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video above. To date, many years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

Reality MUST be Truthful to be Useful

Better to listen to the wind through a creosote bush than to waste time with the words of a fool. - Heinar, Naib of Red Wall Sietch
And if one refuses to listen to words of truth and hope, who then is the greater fool? - Planetologisst Pardot Kynes DUNE

WTC7 in Freefall--No Longer Controversial

While we manage the business of war, we are also in the business of creating a myth. It is the only way we can accomplish what is necessary. Mere appeals to logic and common sense are not enough to sway the vast population of humankind. - Emperor Paul Mud'Dib DUNE

Brutal Truth Flat Facts Reality...breathe in breathe out...get used to it.

In a technological culture, progress may be viewed as the attempt to move more quickly into the future, rushing to make known the unknown. - Mother Superior Harishka DUNE

Exotic Energy requires a shake from a Dead Dinosaur Mindset.

David Sereda EletroMagnetic Dynamos

If the David Sereda Video is 'busy' try locally AVI :
David Sereda Differentials CropCircles And Anti-Gravity Video

"There are no such things as the laws of nature. There is only a series of laws relating to man's experiences with nature. These are laws of man's activities. They change as man's activities change." - Dune

REALLY OLD TECH...NOT being used:

Clean, Green, Renewable, Taxable, and thousands of uses besides BEST Ethanol EVER !!!

And...can be used as material to MANUFACTURE automobiles HERE in the United States:

Renewable Matieral Better than Corn Ethanol n Fiber


... An outline in simple talking points ...

You are an American Patriot to Doubt the Government on 911 - esp Bldg7

Reality MUST be Truthful to be Useful
Brutal Truth Flat Facts Reality...breathe in breathe out...get used to it.

Only Congress has the Constitutional Power to Create money. They unconstitutionally "privatized" that power and gave it to the Private Federal Reserve. They had no authority to do so. To 're-align' the reality for every $1 created in "Fractional Banking" $.10 is put into the US Dept of Treasury as "insurance" and Stake Holder Shares of the Society that uses that "money". In addition the Private FED MUST pay $.01 as a deductible "fee" for the privilege for being America's Bank of Choice.

"We say in our platform that we believe that the right to coin money and issue money is a function of government.... Those who are opposed to this proposition tell us that the issue of paper money is a function of the bank and that the government ought to go out of the banking business. I stand with Jefferson ... and tell them, as he did, that the issue of money is a function of the government and that the banks should go out of the governing business." - William Jennings Bryan, Democratic Convention, 1896

If the Nation can issue a dollar bond it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money broker collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20 percent. Whereas the currency, the honest sort provided by the Constitution pays nobody but those who contribute in some useful way. It is absurd to say our Country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the People. Thomas Edison 1920s

The thing the monetary illiterate don't realize about an monetary system, is that it's a system. A system! A system maintains a certain fluid stability that can be destroyed by a misstep in just one niche. A system has order, a flowing from point to point. If something dams that flow, order collapses. The untrained might miss that collapse until it is too late. That's why the highest function of monetary policy and psychology is the understanding of consequences. (paraphrase DUNE)

Reality must be truthful to be useful

If there's nothing to hide...why hide the information, objects or gag people or documents or loose emails violating Federal Law?

Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Don't make promises and policies you don't intend to keep and to keep the policies and promises you do make.

ACTIONS speak louder than words.
ACTIONS are PROOF of intent.
ACTIONS are the final judgment of character.

It REALLY is that simple.


Monday, June 08, 2009

To the Web's Politcal Daily Headliners

To the Web's Political Daily Headliners

I had just come across, stumbled upon, or whatever term is currently vogue for the original, surfing the web, a web item to here:

FDA on the verge of getting congressional approval to regulate tobacco from this site I recently found the same way and left comment on a article about a dispute whether one staff writer was "fired" for political opinion or that he was just saying the word f*** too many times in his columns and wasn't savvy enough to use the Battle Star Galactica's FRACK.

After leaving my comment and thanking the team who put the Politics Daily for putting together such a nifty team I started going through their stories, leads etc.

I guess posting Administrative Notes as I do at "MY Common Sense Politics isn't allowed only in clearly delineated "opinion" sections. Frankly I think that a writer, news gatherer, or investigative journalist should be obligated to opine upon the FACTS of a story...but clearly indicate so.

This is one of the reasons I invented term MEANSTREAM MEDIA. They intentionally do NOT tell you that the news they just reported was a governmental, corporate, military, political, or personal lie.

FDA regulating tobacco while it won't even consider HEMP when it has been scientifically PROVEN to CURE CANCER.

Proof? Who, what, when, where, why, and How could such a thing be?

Assuredly the Meanstream scientists, pharma-scientists or others would have JUMPED on such a thing if true ! What Nonsense. Pooh-bah !!! Meanstream Says.

Follow the money deep throat said.

Is there more money $$ in cancer TREAMENTS or cancer CURES?

MCSP Hemp Videos

This plant was grown by our founding generation, Ford made a WORKING CAR out of just all HEMP Henry Ford Hemp Car

It's five leaves match our human digits, yet we have thrown more than 20 MILLION people into prison for HEMP-related offenses ONLY..i.e. no drinking n driving AND hemp, no other "illegal" action than having possession of HEMP, even if prescribed by a DOCTOR.

And we, as NATION, are about to undertake an enormous, all expansive experiment in Universal Health Care Coverage from conception to death...yet the MOST beneficial plant known since the DAWN OF illegal in the United States of America...the "Land of the Free?"

Common Sense Brutal Truths.

It is PAST time we hit the "re-set" button on this Frank Herbert version of a "Golden Path" into the future. Otherwise Earth will look like Mars and we can't even re-build the Egyptian Pyramids here on Earth, much less repeat what lays open and crying into the indifferent Universe on the plains of Cydonia.

May you discover the wonder of the Universe heartbeat to heartbeat.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Meanstream Media Mice

Meanstream Media Mice

April 27, 2009

Recently the Meanstream Media Mice have been in a mea-culpa mode about not questioning Bush Administration Officials more ‘thoroughly’ to getting to “The Brutal Truths.” Which is after all, their ‘job’ as the 4th Estate to penetrate the walls and stalls of political power to bring us what is REALLY happening in our government. They now bemoan the loss of the newspapers as readerships decline and fail to see that REAL news has also been declining along with the decline in subscriptions. Anyone can copy government “Press Releases” add a sentence or two and release it to the public as “The News”. Meanstream Media newspaper and TV anchors merely are becoming government mice mouth pieces spinning in the wheels of government running too fast to bother to stop and see if there is anything under their feet or even a bit of cheese at the end of the maze.

Lately it seems the Meanstream Media has found themselves being handed moldy, rotten or otherwise un-tasty treats coming from their efforts. My gosh President George Bush Jr. himself justified torture even before the first strike into Afghanistan had been launched has become ‘news’. He lied to us! gee, ya think politicians don’t lie? Not to mention that our current President Barrack Obama doesn’t want to “look back but forward” and prosecute outright criminal activity when it comes to the higher power players. One never knows if torture might be useful himself. Is this why no Meanstream Media Mouse has mentioned that Git-Mo style techniques, rules and procedures still endure at Bhagram Airbase in Afghanistan, along with continued protectionist profit for the drug lords of the opium and heroin trade? (Shades of Oliver North n Nicaraguan Cocaine !)

Or could it be as simple as the fact that Obama is as much a student stooge of the Council on Foreign Relations and the New American Century who note that their goals would require: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” (pg 63)

Nor was it questioned how “The Patriot Act” was ready in less than one week of Sept 11, 2001 and was to pass against ANY modifications? In one fell swoop we sacrificed our rights for a false sense of security. Why was there NO plane wreckage at Shanksville PA? Why was there no Airplane hole in the Pentagon walls before collapsing and no large fire? Why did THREE (3) highly engineered towers collapse of small fires into dust at “free-fall demolition speed”? Why do the Firefighters for 9-11 truth swear AND news reports of that day report secondary explosions at GROUND level and all the way up and down the towers before collapse?

The Meanstream Media Mice peddled the Press Releases faster and faster than what they had been doing on the actual day we had the second coup d’état we had in my lifetime. They somehow, somewhere, for some reason started to “believe” that everything they had been seeing and reporting was now a “new official Zeitgeist reality” being handed out from the White House and Administration Press Releases. White became black, black became white and the soul of the 4th estate became the bankrupt shell it is today as President’s Eisenhower’s prophetic words came to be. The Commercial/Military/Industrial Complex had just pulled off another coup ‘d’état in my lifetime. “Another Pearl Harbor” And the New World Order is ALREADY HERE. There is NOTHING that Meanstream Media Mice can do as a 4th estate to help you now. It’s too far down the wrong “Golden Path”.

The first being the question Meanstream Media Mouse Sam Donaldson wants to ask Fidel Castro on his deathbed…Did YOU kill John F. Kennedy?

No Sam. Fidel didn’t kill JFK; you haven’t WATCHED the EVIDENCE which PROVES that John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Vice-President Johnson, Herbert Hoover and the head of the Secret Service. Nor did the Warren Commission even ASK the ORIGINAL Doctors and Nurses in Dallas Parkland Memorial Hospital where JFK was first brought about his body’s condition. Apparently neither did the Meanstream Media Mice, nor are they, nor Obama, STILL willing to ask or “look back” for a view of our BRUTAL TRUTH HISTORY.

Links to the short videos of the above information:

Secret Service Stand Down

Call between LB Johnson and JE Hoover

6 Part Compilation of Video Interviews n Evidence not considered by Warren Commission:

Once Johnson was in office any talk about sharing the Moon Race with the Russians was gone, and also the pull-out of ‘advisors’ to South Vietnam reversed course and Johnson escalated that involvement eventually to under-take another “False Flag” event…The Gulf of Tonkin as an excuse to fully invade Vietnam. Here the Meanstream Media Mice were once more on a treadmill. Although the media eventually helped populate the anti-war movement, published the leaked Pentagon Papers, it wasn’t until Nixon’s second term that he found it expedient to end the war as he was about to be impeached from the Watergate Affair where two reporters and a newspaper with integrity FINALLY stood up as the leading 4th estate leader.

Meanstream Media Mice were a bit slow on the uptake during the Reagan Years early on. He was a Hollywood Movie Star besides being a President and those ratings and popularity polls made it seem even harder to fight for the Brutal Truths of those Arms-for-Hostages details that were hiding just below the surface of their still feverish pace. Oliver North directed out of the Reagan White House a service that enhanced cocaine distribution:

It continued into the 1st George Bush Sr. Presidency:

President George Bush Sr., a “Skull n Bones” member as well as both The Council on Foreign Relations, New American Century and other New World Order advocates. In fact it was THIS President Bush which OPENLY declared on many occasions about the coming New World Order that he was in partnership to create to control Planet Earth. Did the Meanstream Media Mice investigate this New World Order “thingy” and get the Who, What?, When, Where?, Why?, n How? Of this coming “beast”? Nope. That was ALL left to the “conspiracy fringe nuts”, the ‘whackos”; as if who wouldn’t want a World Dictator?

So the “1st Gulf War” happened for one reason only…CHEAP OIL as I think any person of common sense can now say since even Dark Lord Cheney himself said that to go further than freeing Kuwait and invade Iraq was insane.

Why did the US Supreme Court interfere with a Presidential election so that another Bush Skull n Bones could have a spot once more as “Commander in Chief”? Did “The Secret Government” as Bill Moyers once stated in a 25 min documentary :

want the country to be taken down a new timeline?

The FACT that I, and 89% of other Americans just 3 years after 9-11 :

KNOW that 9-11 was a US induced “False Flag Event” again just as The Gulf of Tonkin incident was, this brings us even closer to the “torture memos” and current history.

If one can still believe that 19 bumbling Saudis from a rag-tag element of the Afghanistan Taliban caused EVERYTHING that happened on 9-11 then you are simply uninformed with the BRUTAL TRUTHS OF 9-11 and US Government.

There is no shame in being uninformed about something, but to REMAIN in that condition and then perpetuate a fantasy that your own government could never and would never lie to you, or to kill their own people (including sitting Presidents), then you become of the millions of sheeple that the Meanstream Media Mice are designed to keep you feed, fat, unquestioning of authority, and to accept ALL “official government press releases” without question. Because that is what the 4th Estate has become. Shoving government press releases, approved ‘scholars n experts’ to try and give a ‘fair and balanced’ opinion. Cheaper to pay for a scholar or expert opinion than actually LEARN and INVESTIGATE the issues of the day and to have those REPORTERS actually do some actual reporting of problems, solutions, and the BRUTAL TRUTHS of the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of a thing.

It is way past time that Meanstream Media Mice stop peddling government press releases without sustentative facts.

Where are ALL the videos in FBI hands of the security cameras overlooking the Pentagon on 9-11? President Obama…open government?

Why are there STILL, some 62 years later after Roswell, UFO, ETI, Alien Spacecraft sightings documents, video, radar tapes, and NASA documents STILL classified if all of it is swamp gas?

Why doesn’t the United States Government stand for the “Rule of Law” where NO ONE is above the law? Forgiving and moving on beyond Torture and Genocide should not be America’s legacy as it was in our beginning when we nearly wiped out the Native American Indians.

Open Government means also accountability of government. Area 51 workers deserve workman’s compensation for health related injuries while working there, even if it means telling their health professionals the exotic chemicals they are being exposed to.

Robert H. Williams
2453 Route 11 Main St
Mooers, NY 12958
518-236-6733 -leave message

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The “Republican Fiscal Conservative” Myth Shattered

The “Republican Fiscal Conservative” Myth Shattered

President Obama’s first news conference laid into the consciousness of the American People that the Republican policies when they are in control are responsible for not only the American economic crisis but the meltdown of the world wide financial system and the credit markets. That greed for greed’s sake is the underlying goal in the hearts of the hardest and coldest of the “Republican Fiscal Conservatives”.

He should have had visual aids to help show this. One would be the chart from the Bush 43’s own White House administration showing the growth of the Debt/vs GDP and WHEN and WHO’s watch it occurred on.

US National Debt and WHO is responsible for it and it's numbers climbing after Regan. 1950-2010

or even more enlightening:

The Entire National Debt and Who is Responsible for It 1938-2012

I hope EVERYONE notices that it is the “Republican’s Fiscal Conservatives” Administrations under which all this debt occurred.

When Clinton gave Bush Jr a surplus budget, Bush Was a Big-Government Disaster:

He left Obama with $2 TRILLION in debt wrapped up on the White House desk. 9-11 is still viewed by those who research, think and use common sense looking at the data, the testimony, the videos as a “False Flag” event to get us INTO the Iraq War. The lies that the Bush Administration has now been openly shown to have made remain unanswered or unapologized for. 9-11 was done by 19 bumbling Saudis is as laughable as the “Lone Gunman” and the “Magic Bullet” theory of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Mainstream Media will touch neither despite overwhelming evidence. The “GateKeepers” are still operating as the hagiographers of each and every story to hit their corporate underlings.

Can “blogging” really help with these as DailyKos and others helped shaped change THEY wanted…but what about the brutal truth of history. Who will fight for that?

Or are we going to continue to allow the “Republican Fiscal Conservative” myth to remain veiling over the “Secret Government” that even PBS acknowledges at least.

Or can we get SOME media wonks to use the two charts above in 1st two links showing the falsity of their claims and get them to QUESTION them with follow-ups?


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Flag of Surrender

October 6, 2008 I have been re-doing my MAIN site rather than the politics one since it reaches more people more immediately. And right now America NEEDS IMMEDIATE attention and action. Your GOVERNMENT from the Administrative and Legislative (both "Houses") Branches have set forth a motion in passing this Economic Weapon of Mass Destruction Wall Street Bail Out Bill that "AMERICA" as we all know and love dead. Starting with the shredding of the US Constitution to deregulating the top 400 families who own and do "business" on Wall Street....The America we remember before 2000 has been effectively "killed". And REALLY folks this time it WAS an "INSIDE JOB CONSPIRACY". It is so out in the open that those who REFUSE to see it DIFFERENT than say the "Kennedy Conspiracy", the "Pearl Harbor Conspiracy" , the "Moon Landing Conspiracy", the "9-11 Insider False Flag Conspiracy", nooooooooooooooooooooooo folks this one is even making the MEANSTREAM MEDIA finally shake off the wool from their "SHEEPLE" news coverage since they sold the "Iraq War on WMDs".

Let's be CLEAR...The Wall Street Insiders, White House Administrative Regulators, and Congressional Committee Oversight Insiders have INTENTIONALLY led us into this bloody bath of economic ruin of the country. IT WAS AND REMAINS AN INSIDE JOB. And according to the US Constitution...that fragile ol "piece of paper" as King Gorgie refers to this most precious Document in America's History...what "THE INSIDERS" did ARE "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" and also are "TREASONOUS".


If the file Wall-Streets-Shadow-Market-Video-CBSNews60minute-com does NOT play for you or "is lost" from Google or Yahoo please email me. Thanx and PAY ATTENTION to the FINAL PRICE OF THIS "Economic Weapon of Mass Destruction" as I first pointed out long before the "Meantream Media" was calling it that going to be as large as $50-$60 TRILLION DOLLARS !!!

That's right...end the end...$50-$60 TRILLION DOLLARS !!! Watch the video above and my response below:

My reply actual flv file you need to download to your HD then upload to YOUR YouTube account to USE this video as one of YOUR "available" video responses.

Ohhhhhh....Tommy Lee Jones' as Hank Deerfield at the end of the movie "The Valley of Elah" was right.

The American Flag IS flying upside's just that no one wants to SEE the Common Sense Brutal Truth Reality of it.

And as he says at the beginning with "Flying the Flag Upside Down" :

HANK: You know what it means when a flag is hung upside down? (JUAN doesn't)

HANK: It's an international distress signal.

JUAN: No shit?

HANK: No shit. It means we are in a whole lot of trouble, so come save our ass, cause we haven't got a prayer in hell of saving our selves.

JUAN: It says a lot.

HANK: Yes, it does. So, you know how to do it now ?

JUAN: Oh, yes.

HANK: Good. Juan looks up at the flag flying. Hank walks to his truck.

That was the BEGINNING of the movie The Valley of Elah...the ending:

HANK gets up from his wife's side walks and gets dressed and picks up his son's flag. Sets out and brings it to JUAN's Flagpole and hangs his son's flag upside down and duck-tapes it to the flagpole and tells JUAN to leave it there...don't even take it down overnight...don't take it down ever.

So...Who's coming to save America's Economic WALL STREET FAT-CAT ASSES?

So WHO is coming to save MAIN ST? Small Town America? You..the "Middle Class" and your 'retirement' accounts?

So WHO is coming to save those who have no 'retirement' package, stocks, bonds, or even more than $50 bucks in cash and no health care?

The people at have BANNED me because I was telling them COMMON SENSE BRUTAL TRUTH's and I don't even know if my last post was accepted where I pointed out the CBS 60 Minute interview where it CLEARLY showed this was an ENGINEERED and DELIBERATE "CONSPIRACY" to bring down the Economic house of America with this ECONOMIC WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION or because I was disabled and living off SS and they didn't "GET IN" on the scam before the bubble burst since they are mostly ALL there simply to "play the markets and make money".

There's a saying for that "There are none so blind as he/she who will not see."

Valley_Elah_rhw-clip1 AVI 440 MB File

Valley_Elah_rhw-clip2 AVI 360 MB File

Again...Buy The Valley of Elah

See what is happening to our youth today under the DOD and JCOS.

In EVERY Small Town on EVERY Main Street and the back roads all across AMERICA is a SOLDIER who has been DESERTED by THIS Administration and THIS Department of Defense's Veterans Affairs and Supplying the TROOPS with Equipment...See HBO's GENERATION KILL too.

Or DOD has an Army BRIGADE deployed since October 1, 2008 for "engagement" with the American people for riot control. Another "KENT STATE" is bound to happen. And will the youths in this Army fire on their Mothers and Fathers? Brothers and Sisters? Uncles, Aunts and Cousins? Citizen against Citizen?

All for the "WEALTH" of only about 400 families on the PLANET who own 95% of the Planet's WEALTH?


leave that to the BLACKWATER folks...they get 33 times your salary anyhow or don't you know?



if ANY of these links no longer work PLEASE email me at

Google assignment: Operation Garden Plot & REX 84



Saturday, September 27, 2008

Paulson and Bernanke

Paulson and Bernanke have led is into the area of Economic Terrorism and it is our own government who are REALLY the perpetrators this time...not some guy on life-support hiding in the caves of Pakistan. In ALL of the "rush to fix" only has put forth a reasonable and solid plan that makes sense to a non-financical person. We should include that the re-publication and disclosure of the M3 money supply should no longer be kept a National Security secret. It is just ONE of the reasons people didn't see this economic collapse earlier than they did. The M3 money supply was made a "National Security Secret" by the King Gorgie administration on March 23, 2006. Since that time we have NO IDEA how much money the US Treasury has been printing in what amounts and dominations and where it went. Nope WE the public cannot know what our own government is up to with OUR money. Not even CONGRESS which CONSTITUTIONALLY has the power of the purse can know these numbers. WHY NOT?

For more than 2 and a half years this economic meltdown has been coming and MANY people warned it would come. and MANY others notified congress...EVERY member has been notified about this pending crisis but congress chose to listen to the administration LIARS who committed TREASON by not telling the truth time and time again...until they came begging for this last minute "Economic Weapon of Mass Destruction" and threw it in the taxpayer's lap. And videos of these liars Paulson and Bernanke are there at for people to download and see.

Here's one link


And our representatives in congress are "likely" to pass some form or version of this bailout for the rich and famous of the Illuminati, Skull n Bones, Bildiberger Bankers like the Royal Bank of Scotland which is at the TOP of the PRIVATE Fed banking system. I say throw that bank out with the bathwater unless they pay the US a premium to be that bank for the US Treasury...otherwise let's prop up a new bank like Key Bank Na and let them handle the nation's money and they also should pay interest BACK to the treasurery for money held on their books and also a premium for the privilege of being the US Bank of choice for the Fed.

In addition the PERSONAL assets of ANY CEO and Board of Directors whose company is "bailed out" their OWN personal assets come with that debt that the US Treasury has included into this Economic Atomic Bomb the LIARS and treasonous Paulson and Bernanke have thrown at us.

Also in this law...should the congress knuckle under...this 700 Billion "bail out" is a ONE-TIME deal. PERIOD. It cannot be rolled over every time the wall streets gamblers get the need for another fix...they are like heroin addicts and Paulson and Bernanke are the dealers.

Also if this law passes...then EACH CITIZEN should get a $2,000 stimulus check to compensate taxpayers for the future burden their grandchildren's' grandchildren will inherit.

Our Constitution is at risk if the M3 amount is not made public once more, that the current Economic Terrorists Paulson and Bernanke are impeached for lying to the American people and Congress and those lies are recorded on video at and in the media vaults of mainstream media if they have the concern for America to SHOW how Paulson and Bernanke have lied right up to this dropping of WMD in our laps. We can't find them in Iraq because they were on the inside in Washington at the very top of the Monetary system.

Again I bring up the Declaration of Independence:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

It's time to dump Paulson and Bernanke and the RSB for new guards of our financial security.
I'm Bob Williams and my website is CommonSenseCentral.NET

Why this bailout is WRONG !!!
WaMu exectutive gets away with 20 MILLION $$$ for 15 days on the job...then he's fired and keeps the money!

Paulson and Bernanke my video
Economic Terrorism WMD thrown in lap of taxpayers

My Video reply to: THEY WANT MAMA TO MAKE IT ALL BETTER! Rep Kapture
Repy to Ohio Rep Kapture Video

WMDs found !!!

Robert H. Williams
2453 Route 11 Main St
Mooers, NY 12958
518-236-6733 -leave message

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Federal Reserve Restrucuring is needed NOW !!!

I know I am not in your district but I sent this to all three of my congress reps. Congressional leaders say they don't know what to do...I DO. This "private bank" got the biggest no-bid contract in the history of the world and paid ZERO for that "privilege"...and they have blown it before.

Federal Reserve Restructuring is needed NOW !!!

If the following do not want to give what other large depositors of a regular bank give....i.e...INTEREST earning checking accounts then we need to change banks for a central bank that WILL pay interest on OUR deposits and for the "PRIVILEGE" on doing business WITH and FOR the American People's money.

Who owns the FED?

Maybe KeyBank would like to be the FED's new "Charter Bank" and get the US Treasuries' business?

When the FED was set up the problem was that the US Treasury was CHARGED interest on the money printed for use as charged by Congress which Constitutionally is the ONLY branch who has power of the purse. It SHOULD have been set up that the treasury printed money and LENT it to the Fed at a .5% interest rate for government budget items and another amount printed at 1% interest to be used in the private sector. With US Treasury agents included at the TOP of the banks corporate structure AND in the auditing sections along side the bank employees. THUS…when printing money and operating the government we would EARN money as a society as the GDP grew. Instead our national debt has RISEN since Reagan vis-a-vis the GDP. Clinton lowered it but…King Gorgie Jr has expotentially raised it to the point of this collapse we are seeing and the loss of our precious treasure of human lives in needless wars.

I think the Declaration of Independance needs to be looked at seriously again:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. ”

YouVideo Video:
Restructure the FED without Tax Money

Robert H. Williams

Friday, April 25, 2008

Common Sense Politics

Common Sense Fix for the Democrats for November 2008 election AND the inter-party squabling amoung our selves. The Honorabale Junior Senator Barak Obhama should step aside as the potential CIC and agree to be the VP choice to The Honorable Senator Hillary-Rhodam-Clinton be the Nominee for the Presidency. While working at Sen Clinton's side he would get inside experience on the who, what, when, where, how and why of being a Resident of the White House means. As a man, and even more that he is a African-American man, he should as matter of "A Gentleman's" courtesy to open the door for a lady, he should let the honor of breaking the Glass Ceiling of the Presidency to the CREATORS of our citizens of planet EARTH (remember all those voters were babies once- from- a woman) and to let a WOMAN, from who Human Life begins have first reigns over the Greatest Nation on PLanet may not be the best right now...but it was great enough "to put a Man on the Moon and Return Him Safely to the Bonds Of Earth".... it can be so again if we come to think ourselves not only as Americans. but fellow Earthlings on this planet no matter where one lives. Lives have value....every life. It's past time a woman sat in charge of the US Armed Serices...some woman produced each soldier over in Iraq and Afhanistan and around Planet Earth and possibly beyond. You want to give America a chance to vote for change...THIS idea will break McCain's 100 year strategy in November, 2008. The idea is open, on my table and seems like such a common sense idea. It is the BEST way to beat McCain and give CHANGE in huge way to the voters of America who are tired of the Republicans. Not to mention the rest of planet.

My Common Sense Politics site

My regular Common Sense Central site

Robert H. Williams
2453 Route 11 Main St
Mooers, NY 12958
518-236-6733 -leave message
Retired Clinton Community College Professor

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Military Investigations by JCOS of White House

Military Investigations by JCOS of White House

Dear General Joint Chief of Staff,

By definition, The Commander in Chief falls under the Military Code of Justice. These are the "rules" you go by to follow your oaths to protect this Country and it's Constitution from ALL enemies "foreign or domestic". It has become clear by now that the over-all military readiness, fitness, and ability to carry out ONE COMMANDER'S orders has seriously hurt our Country's ability to fight a battle in any more 'theatres'.

Since your original orders were to topple an old ally you once sold chemical weapons for their 'proxy' war with Iran, on America's behest, then to ferret out and/or destroy any and all remaining after the First Gulf war. Well, you and our soldiers have accomplished your mission. The 'Commander in Chief' even landed on a carrier deck and declared it to be accomplished.

Any other orders except to leave the country as a fighting military strike force basis were not in the best interests of the United States. Everyone has come to realize this. The 'follow-up' was a Diplomatic effort for the State Department of the Executive Branch. If the President wanted to "hire-out" or "commercialize" his own private Army of Mercenaries to watch over the Diplomats, that was HIS business as President with Congress over funding, NOT "Commander in Chief".

Now that we also know we ALL were led into the Iraq War on "cherry picked" and unsubstantiated rumors, it is time I wish to call on the courage the Military has ALWAYS shown in fighting our enemies. It is time to act upon the part of your oath that my nephew took to protect the Constitution and Country against all foreign and DOMESTIC enemies. Because now our enemies include those of the domestic variety.

The destruction of emails inside the White House and from there to other parties breaks federal and MCOJ laws and procedures. The Congress is too divided in political partisanship to effectively carry out their Constitutional duties. We, the PEOPLE of America are counting on the Regular Military to protect our Republic and the Freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution and abiding by principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence.

This President and Vice President have made this Iraq War into a money machine for corporations across the US and American tied interests across the globe. It is NOT the Military's job to 'capture' sovereign space just to steal their resources. They are violating the Military Code of Justice which GUIDES the military under CIVILIAN rule.

There is NOTHING stopping President Bush or Vice President Cheney from issuing orders to Blackwater employees to carry out a ‘private’ mission without the authorization of Congress and going OVER the heads of the Civilian Ruled Military. He could tap into a pilot’s plane and give the co-ordinates to fire on an Iranian position without provocation. He could order Blackwater on a covert operation to attack inside Iran. President Bush is intent on initiating a conflict with Iran BEFORE leaving office. The Regular Enlisted Military may not be able to stop this “Privatized Military Army”, many whom are retired professional soldiers, now working for a religious zealot who rules with impunity and fires ANY regular Military Commander who disagrees with him. We, YOU have seen this in the past…many times.

My plan is simple in overall implementation, difficult to have the courage to implement. But it is the right thing to do for your men and women who have served tour after tour doing the same work for less money than the President's (not The CIC's ) 'mercenaries'. Civilian control of the role of "Commander in Chief" and holder to the box of nuclear launch codes MUST be transferred down to the Speaker of the House.

An announcement must be made, in public, that the Joints Chiefs have only 'begun' an investigation into MCOJ violations by the President and potential violations of the MCOJ by the Vice-President. Since the MCOJ rules state a Commander under 'investigation' can be temporarily relieved of his/her command the Joints Chiefs have decided to relieve the President of the title "Commander in Chief" of the Civilian Controlled Armed Services and to pass that control to The Speaker of the House until the investigation is concluded. The Speaker now speaks as the LEGAL "Civilian Commander-in-Chief" until your investigations are concluded.

That's it. No questions afterward. Simply walk off stage. Before making that announcement you will of course have 'switched' the codes and sent two sets out that morning, one to the President as usual, and the REAL ones to The Speaker of the House.

That is how we get out of Iraq and back to getting the Taliban and Osama bin Laden...who WERE the terrorists that hit us on 9-11...not "al-queda in Iraq". There were no ‘al-queda’ in Iraq BEFORE we invaded under false pretenses. Vietnam has taught us that lesson we have forgotten. The President with Congress can carry on with their 'mercenary army' in the Diplomatic moves that must be made to SOLVE the entire issue of Iraq and the whole Middle East. You CANNOT force Democracy by the point of a gun. Period. You folks know that...the President and Vice-President have a 'delusional view' otherwise.

It is hurting our National Security at home and abroad. It is costing more in blood and money than they promised. Of course since nearly everything was based on lies, what's more broken promises? But most of all it is hurting the men and women in uniform under your JOINT COMMANDS. You KNOW they are suffering, their families are suffering, your readiness is suffering, your ability to care properly for all the vets coming home. It's become like you are following two insane domestic enemies who have been taken over by EBEs.

Remember these statements by President Bush:

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." —Washington, D.C., Sept. 13, 2001

And as he “Cherry Picked” Intelligence for the war with Iraq:

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." —Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002

Six months later the “Mastermind” behind the 9-11 attacks was no longer our Nation’s top priority?

The time has come for the MILITARY portion of our government to see the futile exercise of carrying out impossible and insane orders without the resources to do it; while paying commercial mercenaries more money and benefits than your regular troops YOU are supposed to be watching out for their welfare. Time for some brass to use their cahjones and ovaries and stand up to this rotten to the core EXECUTIVE branch of government as 'possible domestic enemies' and pass civilian control to the LEGISLATIVE branch of government, who is next in line of The Constitution.
By the Book.

Robert H. Williams
Mooers NY

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Sometimes the bad folks win

And there isn't a fracking thing you can do about it. No matter how right you may know you are, sometimes fighting a fight with a brick wall will only smash your head into a pulp and the weather or the bad folks will wipe away any remaining residue of your existence.

I know I have said time and time again that:

If we give up they win, period.

Well sometimes it maybe be better to call the reality the way it is and realize that when you are faced with insurmountable odds, there will be no way of winning your fight, no matter how much you try and no matter how much you may be in the right.

It's like computers sometime have 'glitches' no-one can solve.

One only has to look at the way the world is today as we see it all around us in our neighborhoods and around the world. We see terrorism winning around the world with every dead body from babies to old people, and with every Constitutional right we have either legislated away by our self-serving politicians, or have had them taken away by those same politicians or bureaucrats. Can we fight a suicide bomber who is willing to die to kill you if we don't know who they are? Can we fight the politicians when they themselves are the most egregious law breakers themselves? Can we fight the bankers n financiers when they not only hold all the monetary capital...but make and break rules as they go along at their whim the same way the politicians and bureaucrats do? Can we fight to get out the 'truth' to the people via the media when the media itself is owned by the Corporations and their advertisers' interests?

And who's 'truth' would we be able to tell even IF we could get a message on mainstream media? We see Islamic extremists today as the most prominent problem. Yet did they see problems in their history when the West invaded Arabia and decided to cut up the countries by drawing lines arbitrarily on a map? Or when the West decided this ruler or king was a better choice for the Wests' interests over the Arab peoples' interests? Even among the Arabs themselves...who decides it is okay for Sunni to kill Shiite? Who can fight against such an insane way to run the planet?

Take a look at a very very old ancient website I saved from the long lost www:

The Secret History of USA

We have always had our issues with food safety here in the West as we grew 'civilized'...but now we import so much from everywhere around the globe we have to be aware of what some single farmer in a small village in China is putting into his crops or ponds to increase his yield so that he might make a few extra dollars or yen while jeopardizing not only our own life and safety but even those of our pets in food we normally would not be scrutinizing. Now we HAVE to scrutinize nearly everything...everywhere across the planet.

Does that we mean we have to invade every country to insure our safety? Sure hasn't worked for our safety concerning Iraq and Islamic Extremists there or elsewhere. We have only made the problem worse according to the Militarises' and Intelligence's own judgements. And as for judgements...did we REALLY get informed before invading Iraq? Not ONE of the Congressional people running for President even READ the FULL briefing documents before voting for the authorization to let George Bush Jr alone declare war on Iraq. They never READ all the dissenting opinions in the report nor how unsure the intelligence actually was concerning these mysterious Weapons of Mass Destruction. No amount of 'in person briefings' can substitute for a deliberate and scholarly STUDYING of the documentation of an issue than listening to biased personal briefings that may be swayed by your own presence. Instead we saw a planned invasion of another country that had it's beginning well before George Bush Jr and Dick Cheney ever took office. We saw that they put on a sophisticated strategy to 'sell' this war to the media and the People and Congress and called everyone who wanted to THINK about this before acting...unpatriotic.

How can one fight against a government that acts like that? Congress under the Republicans didn't do ANY oversight on the Administrative branch while they held power. In the November 2006 election Democrats were finally given a slim majority of ONE (1) in the Senate and a slight majority in the House. Have they done the kind of forceful and needed oversight that many of us would like to see? Has the Bush Administration been held accountable for breaking the law? And even IF somehow they can get 'charges' brought to bear on the White House and Administrative branch of government...will the current or next President simply pull a Gerald Ford and give everyone a pardon? How is THAT Justice? How is THAT going to stop these types of behaviors in the future?

Recently we learned just some of the dirty nasty deeds that the CIA did from it's early years to about 1975. Did anyone think this type of behavior simply stopped in 1975? We have seen from AbuGraab, GITMO, 'secret CIA prisons' across the globe that these types of activities continue right now in modern times. Can we fight against all those bad things and make a difference?

Today I wouldn't be surprised that as VP Dick Cheney is given the FULL POWER of the Presidency and George Jr is undergoing a colonoscopy that he will give his freind "Scooter" Libby a FULL PARDON...not just a communatation of his sentence as Pres George Jr. did

No folks...sometimes the "Bad Guys" just win. period.

And there isn't ANY frackin thing we can do about it.

Sad...but in today's's the Brutal Truth.
